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  • Writer's picturekvaughan

When Life Gives You Lemons...?

Wow. What a way to end this decade... SO much has happened in 2019, and I couldn't have anticipated any of it. Let me start by saying, life throws some unexpected shit. I started this year newly married and finishing up my interim period managing a local venue, then moved on to technically being unemployed for three months waiting on a new business to start up, and then in April Dakota and I decided to do something crazy and move 9 hours away to Charlotte, NC. with. no. plan. Ok, to be fair we sort of had a plan. We planned as much as we could in two weeks... The thing is, Dakota and I are ALWAYS responsible and plan everything. We had been wanting to move to Charlotte for nearly a year, and we decided to stop waiting and just go. I don't regret this decision, because we learned so much and we grew so much individually and in our marriage. That being said, the last six months of our lives have been really damn difficult. Charlotte was beautiful and we made some really good friends, but there were problems right from the start. I won't go into details, but I will say that leaving gave us a much deeper appreciation for home and being so close to family. So, for many reasons including being closer to a few job opportunities, we are back in Hattiesburg- and it feels so good to be home. We were able to spend Thanksgiving with family and have a Halloween/Friendsgiving party with all of our friends. Those are the things that matter in life. Family is most important, and unfortunately, sometimes you have to move away to realize that.

I didn't do a lot of writing while in Charlotte, which is funny because I thought that being in Charlotte would spark my creativity and really help me grow my blog. But I haven't written in months. So, for those of you who missed reading my posts, I'm sorry. I have plans to write more and try out a lot of new things with my blog. So, stay tuned! Or whatever they say.

We are both so happy to be home and ready to see where life takes us next. I'm thankful for the many opportunities and obstacles life throws my way because I think that's how we grow and learn and figure out who we are. It's ok to take a leap and not end up where you wanted. At least you took the leap. It's ok to admit failure, as long as you learned from the experience. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of cheesy quotes about failure and success and all that.

To my friends in Charlotte who made living there so much better, thank you. To our friends and family back home who supported us throughout our journey, thank you. Life would be nothing without you. We love you all very much.

Here's to new adventures in the new decade. I'm very excited to see what life brings next.

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