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  • Writer's picturekvaughan

DIY All- Purpose Cleaner Using Vinegar & Citrus

Over the past few years, I've been trying to become more "eco-friendly" and use all-natural products. I've also been ballin' on a budget, so a huge part of my transition into using all-natural products has been finding ways to use what I have or make my own. I am also a big believer in using up what you have before making or buying something else, which is why I'm just now trying my hand at a homemade all-purpose cleaner! I've always heard that vinegar is perfect for cleaning, but I really didn't want my whole house to smell like vinegar. So, in my research, I found that citrus was a perfect addition because the vinegar soaks up the oils and scent of the citrus when combined and left for a few weeks. I was really skeptical at first, but now I love this stuff! I'm learning that just like with all things in life, making your own products is a "trial and learn" situation, so I will definitely be making some changes next time! I'll talk about those at the end.

So, here's how to make your own DIY all-purpose cleaner using a few simple ingredients.


  • white vinegar

  • citrus peels of choice

  • mason jar or upcycled glass jar (with lid)

  • bowl

  • fine mesh sieve

  • spray bottle (preferably thrifted or upcycled)

  • water


  1. Save your peels. When eating your oranges or cooking with lemons or limes, instead of throwing them away save the peels in your mason jar! Do this until it's about half-way full to full - whatever you are feeling works!

  2. Add the vinegar. When your jar is half-way full of citrus peels, pour the white vinegar into the jar until it is full. Seal the jar, put it somewhere dark, and let it sit for about one to two weeks. The oils in the citrus peels will infuse the vinegar more if it's left for longer.

  3. Strain your mixture. This is not something I did, but I've read that straining your mixture is the best way to go. I didn't have a fine-mesh sieve, so I went without straining and it seems to be working just fine! So, this step could be optional if you needed it to be.

  4. Pour your cleaner into a spray bottle. Now I've read quite so many blogs on how to use this mixture, and some say to dilute it with equal parts water for every day "all-purpose" use, and some say use it as is without diluting it. I went ahead and diluted mine, and it seems to be working just fine! So, maybe try both ways for yourself to see what you prefer.

You can also add essential oils and/or herbs to your mixture! Just be sure to use a glass bottle if adding essential oils, because the oils have been known to break down plastic.

A Few Notes

  • I had so many oranges that I knew I wouldn't be able to eat, so I used them to make this so they wouldn't go to waste! You might see that I'm using the whole orange and not just the peels. My reasons for doing this were so I wouldn't waste the inside of the orange and this was one of the recipes I found online. I was worried my cleaner would be sticky, but I haven't had that issue at all! Next time, I'll probably stick to just using the peel to see how it works in comparison.

  • I reused a glass jar that used to contain pasta sauce and a spray bottle that I had. I get really excited when I can upcycle things I already have so that I'm not creating more waste or consuming more.

  • Yes. It does still smell like vinegar. BUT only for a few minutes and then it goes away. I'll take that over spraying a whole host of chemicals all over my counters any day.

Do you have any favorite recipes for cleaning your home? Let me know!

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