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  • Writer's picturekvaughan

Here Lately: antiques, candy shops, coffee, & food

Hey friends! The past month or so has been crazy busy, so I haven't written much. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things since our move, and that means being more consistent with writing, too!

Over the past month, I've documented some of my life, and I wanted to share!

One of my favorite new coffee shops in Hattiesburg, MS is Mulvi's Coffee Co. The coffee is delicious, the style is so cool, and the owners are so friendly! If you are in the area, definitely check them out. They also have a small retail section where you can buy things like pins, coffee mugs, glasses, and stickers with their logo. I have really missed it in the last few weeks!

I got to spend a day in Mobile, AL with my mom and bonus dad last month. They were there on a work trip for dad, so mom and I spent the first half of the day exploring the area we were in! We got some goodies from a cute little local candy shop, found some cool things at an antique shop, and ended the day eating a delicious dinner! I didn't get a picture of our food because I wanted to make a point to keep my phone in my purse for our dinner. I don't get a lot of time with my parents, so I wanted to be completely present!

This candy shop literally had everything. It had a vintage theme and everyone there was so nice! They made their own chocolate easter bunnies-decorated and everything!

Mom and I had the best time in the antique store. We found a lot of things she said she had as a kid and some of the things we found my great grandmother and grandmother still have in their houses! It's just so cool to see how style and household items evolve over the years.

Our last week in Hattiesburg was spent spending time with as many of our friends and family as possible! I got to have lunch with my work family from The Venue, and we went to a local Thai place called Jutamas! I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life, and I was so thankful for the opportunity to have a "going away" lunch with them. The food was delicious, even with it being pretty spicy. I don't do spice much, but this was sooo good. I don't remember exactly what the dish was called, but it had noodles, chicken, and veggies!

The past two months have been so crazy, but so good! I just wanted to share some of it with you! I plan on sharing the few things we've been able to do in Charlotte so far. I'm so excited to explore Charlotte and write about it. Here's to new adventures!

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