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  • Writer's picturekvaughan

Hi friends!

Updated: Mar 6, 2019

I am honestly so excited about this blog. I'm currently working on exactly what I want to write about, so I am appreciative to anyone who takes the time to read what I have to say! I wanted to introduce myself. My name is Kaylee. I am married to an amazing man, I live in South Mississippi, and I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Forensic Science. Currently, I am searching for jobs in my field and trying to get in touch with my creative side- more on that later. As I said in the "About" section of my blog, I created this idea of who I am supposed to be and the life I am supposed to live. I put so much pressure on myself to be this particular type of person with this particular type of life and style and personality. To be honest, it brought a lot of issues into my life and my relationships. I became anxious, depressed, and unsettled. Constantly unsure of who I was and what I actually enjoyed doing. So, I decided to quit. I decided to focus on the things that make me happy and just enjoy life. I always put off creating a blog for a lot of reasons: other people's opinions, not having enough time, not knowing what to write about, not being "that kind of girl", etc. However, I recently pushed my husband to create a blog to work through his writer's block, and he has inspired me to create my own to work through some of my feelings. So, I want to write about my personal struggles with school, life, and relationships, minimalism and how it has affected my life, trying new recipes, being plus size and what that means for me, kickstarting a healthy lifestyle, and maybe even some recent life recaps. All of that being said, I am really excited for this new adventure and I hope to inspire someone along the way!



Thank you to April and Paul Photography for this picture :)

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